The Forbrook Family

Rochester, MN
$120.00 raised of $8,772.72
Mortgage/Rent $8,772.72
8 months
    Hannah Forbrook
    Premature Birth

    Our baby was diagnosed with Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR). IUGR is a rare condition where babies don't grow normal size during pregnancy. Throughout my pregnancy I was in and out of the ER. My health issues forced me to resign from my job because I couldn't preform my job duties adequately. On 11/9 They couldn't see her lungs moving and baby's heartrate dropped 3 times and I was sent to the birth center. They gave medicine to help baby with lungs and brain bleeds. After six hours and seeing her heartrate drop a few more times the doctors said the safest thing for baby was to be delivered ASAP. Baby Hannah had her umbilical cord wrapped around her neck 3 times. Hannah Delores Forbrook was born at 4:03pm 11/9/2018. She weighed 2 lbs and was 14 inches long. Since birth she was been on a CPAP machine helping her little lungs breathe and it looks like she is going to be there for 2 to 3 months until she learns to breathe on her own, eat her goal of feeds and grows bigger.

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