The Anderson Family

Lindstrom, MN
$550.00 raised of $14,432.28
Mortgage/Rent $12,212.28
12 months
Utilities – Electric $2,220.00
12 months
    Dustin Anderson
    Premature Birth

    Dustin Kenneth was born at just 27 weeks and 4 days gestation. He weighed 1 pound 7 ounces and was 12.25 inches long.***

    After struggling with infertility and 3 miscarriages in 2021, Ali and Denny found out they were expecting in February 2022. All of their prenatal visits went pretty perfectly up until the anatomy scan on June 16th. Here they learned that baby was looking very good and his growth was right on track. However, the doctors found a rare condition called Vasa Previa that warranted additional scans and follow-up to ensure Baby remained safe and healthy through the remainder of the pregnancy. Ali and Denny were given some statistics and info to help plan for this condition, with the hopes it could even potentially resolve itself. Ali and Denny left the anatomy scan feeling a little nervous, but very hopeful, and with the instructions to return in one month for more follow-up.

    July 20th was their follow-up ultrasound. Unfortunately, things didn’t look as expected with the ultrasound and Ali was directly admitted to United Hospital. Baby was doing well and kicking and moving away on the ultrasound, but the Perinatologists were concerned about intrauterine growth restriction. They were also concerned that the Vasa Previa showed no changes. Once admitted, Ali started showing some signs of high blood pressure and was eventually diagnosed with preeclampsia. Ali was 25.5 weeks pregnant at this time and the medical team determined she would need to remain inpatient until baby was born. The doctors prepared both baby and Ali for delivery at any time, but were hopeful baby could stay inside until 34 weeks.

    After 2.5 weeks of Ali being in the hospital, with countless hours of monitoring, baby decided it was time to make his entrance. Dustin Kenneth was born on August 5th, 2022 at just 27 weeks and 4 days gestation. Dustin was immediately taken over to the NICU at Children’s MN, where he will remain until at least his due date. Dustin’s due date was supposed to be October 31st, 2022. At this time, both Ali and Denny are on leaves from work.


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