The Enselien Family

Crystal, MN
$100.00 raised of $12,411.48
Mortgage/Rent $12,411.48
6 months
Format: 9.99
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    Arthur Enselien

    Life quickly changed on August 11th when Arthur was diagnosed with cancer. He'd had nausea, hearing loss, change in balance, and headaches, and due to his parents' determination and perseverance, they finally had an answer although it wasn't what anyone imagined. Since August 11th, Arthur has had multiple MRIs, lumbar punctures, chemotherapy, steroids, physical therapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy, blood transfusions, IV nutrition, AFO braces, hearing tests, steroid injections in his eye, a port placed and then replaced, countless nights in the hospital and more. His hearing has returned, but his vision has gone down to almost nothing. He has years left of treatment. Arthur is a strong kid, and his parents are working hard to support him while also working to keep health insurance. 

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