The Hase Family

Bismark, ND
$0.00 raised of $4,800.00
Mortgage/Rent $4,800.00
4 months
    Oliver Hase
    Premature Birth

    Little Oliver had broken his water early and we had to rush to Bismark from Minot, 110 miles away, for care. His mother went into labor after a few days of antibiotics and steroids to help him develop better incase he had to be born, and was born at 23 weeks 6days. He is currently in the NICU in Bismark, and is getting the best treatment he can get and fighting strong to grow and finish developing. Both his mother and father are doing their best to stay nearby and stay with him, but his father will have to return to work in order to try to pay bill and mortgage, as well as travel back and forth to try and be there for little Oliver. Anything to help ease the burden with travel, food, and expenses is greatly appreciated.

    March 12, 2023

    Oliver was sent to Mayo clinic in Minnesota to have an operation to close his PDA as it was adding problems with his stats. He successfully had his PDA closed but his lungs are having issues from how premature he is. He is currently having some issues and struggling to get his lungs developed better so his stats can improve and the vent / oxygen settings can be turned down. He currently on high O2 and a strong vent. His parents had to leave their home in ND to be with his as he is struggling.