The Ramsey Family

$100.00 raised of $6,429.00
Car Payment $951.00
3 months
Mortgage/Rent $2,451.00
3 months
Insurance - Auto $474.00
3 months
Utilities - Internet $294.00
3 months
Utilities - Phone $750.00
3 months
Insurance - Health $570.00
3 months
Utilities – Electric $357.00
3 months
Utilities – Gas $222.00
3 months
Utilities – Water $360.00
3 months
    Matthew Ramsey
    Motor Accident

    On Saturday, October 7, 2023, Matt was struck by a vehicle that ran a red light, and collided with a local business. 

    The crash was massive and caused multiple fractures and other musculoskeletal issues. We are so very grateful that Matt is alive, despite his multiple injuries. Because of this, Amanda is now the sole caregiver for everyone in the house. Their son, Jaxson, is autistic and already had a busy schedule with his different therapy appointments, school, etc. And now Matt is home for 3 weeks with a full leg brace before they can do surgery on his leg. He is unable to even go up the stairs. Amanda is now the caregiver/nurse for Matt and is basically functioning as a single parent taking care of their son, Jaxson. In 2 weeks, Matt will have surgery on his leg and then will be back home recovering from that surgery. We do not know how long his recovery will take, but we do know that Matt and Amanda can use all the help they can get during this time. 

    October 31, 2023
    Halloween and surgery!

    Happy Halloween! We celebrate in different ways. Jax doesn't eat candy, but he does LOVE all the costumes. This was Matt's first year being with Jax for Halloween. He always offered his employees time with their families first. Since Matt's accident we didn't know if he would be able to share this holiday. We are fortunate enough to borrow and scooter for the evening and the Ramsey boys get to Trick or Treat! Stayed tuned for pictures! 

    Keep Matt in your prayers. Friday is the evaluation of his broken wrist, and arm, remove sutures, and hopefully get a surgery date for his knee reconstruction. We hope for the best.