The Rasul Family

New York, NY
$500.00 raised of $9,029.44
Car Payment $7,680.00
12 months
Utilities - Phone $1,349.44
4 months
    Amiyah-Francine Rasul
    Premature Birth

    Hello, my name is Tamika. I was just 29 weeks when I was rushed to the emergency room due to what I thought was had pain. With everything happening so fast I was rushed to have an emergency c section due to internal bleeding. I lost over 2 liters of blood, with the help of every single doctor, surgeon and nurse I’m still alive today. This surgery saved both myself and my daughters life by the grace of God. The scariest day of my life turned into the most amazing once I set eyes on my beautiful daughter. Amiyah was whisked away to the NICU where she’s been ever since; I have been by her side every step of the way.

    I was in the hospital due to complications from childbirth for a total of 10 days with 3 major surgeries. I was not allowed to see her for the 24 hrs because I was in the ICU. Then with each complication came another 24-48hrs where I was not allowed to be with my baby.

    After I was discharged, I have been in and out of the emergency/hospital due to infections/medical issues. With each hospital I was not allowed in the NICU. It has been a long rough road. I have not been cleared to work by my physicians and my bills have been adding up. I exhausted all of my savings and this is why I’m looking for assistance. I don’t want to bring my daughter home to a stressful home due to bills that I can’t pay until I can work again. 
    Thank you

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