The Scott Family

$0.00 raised of $7,500.00
Mortgage/Rent $7,500.00
3 months
    Breast Cancer


    My name is Zelrae Gallon Scott.  During the Christmas Holiday's I was diagnosed with Invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC), also known as infiltrating ductal carcinoma, whereas two cyst were found in my right breast the size of a large grape.  My medical care plan consist of Anti-Estrogen therapy to reduce the cysts,  a mastectomy in March 2024, and chemotherapy in the form of a pill.  I am not a positive candidate for radiation due to mobility issues. 

    Please know that my spirits are high and I am in no pain at this time.  Ever since I found out I had cancer its been one appointment after the next as my medical team factors the best way to go to help me beat and eliminate cancer.  Good news is that this common form of cancer its treatable and the results of my PET Scan show that the cancer has not spread to my lymphatic system.  Even better is that I have the drive to conquer this battle.

    My health has certainly been a struggle for me since 2014 when I had my first two strokes, and in 2015 I had a heart attack; however the warrior in me has me fighting and overcoming every obstacle that has come my way.  Years ago the doctors said that I'd never get off the ventilator, the tracheostomy or the feeding tube but I fought hard and I defied the odds.  I plan to do the same in beating this cancer.  My oldest daughter takes great care of me and puts on a good front to shield me from her heartbreak.  She is impressive in her support for me.  I do not want to be a hardship to her and I see her work effortlessly to make sure the bills are covered, although I do see the strain and on everyday it seems through acts of support, motivation and love that she cares for me more than she cares for herself.

    I would like to receive some help to ease financial discomfort for myself and my daughter.  Right now she is unable to focus on work due to taking on the responsibilities of caring for me during this medical crisis.  My special needs requires 24/7 supervision, several doctor appointments throughout the week as we prepare for my upcoming surgery, and making sure everything is good for me as I journey towards the road to recovery.  The most important thing to us right now is to keep a roof over our head, the lights on and food in the pantry.

    We are appreciative of the Help Me Bounce support system, and please know that my medical situation has already been vetted by the sponsors of this organization through my Primary Doctor.  I'd like to thank you in advance for any help that you can give and if nothing can be given, just a simple prayer will do for my and my family.

    Thank you in advance for any help you are able to bless me.




    February 22, 2024

    Pretty women wonder where my secret lies.

    I’m not cute or built to suit a fashion model’s size   

    But when I start to tell them,

    They think I’m telling lies.

    I say,

    It’s in the reach of my arms,

    The span of my hips,   

    The stride of my step,   

    The curl of my lips.   

    I’m a woman


    Phenomenal woman,   

    That’s me.


    I walk into a room

    Just as cool as you please,   

    And to a man,

    The fellows stand or

    Fall down on their knees.   

    Then they swarm around me,

    A hive of honey bees.   

    I say,

    It’s the fire in my eyes,   

    And the flash of my teeth,   

    The swing in my waist,   

    And the joy in my feet.   

    I’m a woman



    Phenomenal woman,

    That’s me.


    Men themselves have wondered   

    What they see in me.

    They try so much

    But they can’t touch

    My inner mystery.

    When I try to show them,   

    They say they still can’t see.   

    I say,

    It’s in the arch of my back,   

    The sun of my smile,

    The ride of my breasts,

    The grace of my style.

    I’m a woman


    Phenomenal woman,

    That’s me.


    Now you understand

    Just why my head’s not bowed.   

    I don’t shout or jump about

    Or have to talk real loud.   

    When you see me passing,

    It ought to make you proud.

    I say,

    It’s in the click of my heels,   

    The bend of my hair,   

    the palm of my hand,   

    The need for my care.   

    ’Cause I’m a woman


    Phenomenal woman,

    That’s me.

    February 22, 2024
    Don't Loose Hope

    Don't loose hope.  There remains a lot of fight in me yet.

    Today I visited the Artisan Plastic Surgery facility in Sandy Spring, Georgia.   And there we discussed the option of breast reconstruction.

    I was so looking forward to having my breast reconstructed after my upcoming breast removal but unfortunately this will not be the best route for me to go as the risk far outweigh the benefits for me due to disabilities of my stroke.  However, I remain encouraged and really just look forward to having the cancer removed from my breast.

    I know that GOD has his hands on me and I need not worry.

    Please say a prayer for me as I lay down to sleep and turn the page for tomorrow's blessings.
