The Singletary Family
$500.00 raised of $20,880.00
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The Singletary Family

Dashawn Singletary
Orlando, FL

Our Story

Hello my name is Dashawn . Most know me as DaeDae. I’m 19 years old . I was born a twin but unfortunately my other half passed away at 2 months . On June 2022 I went to the ER because I was having trouble breathing. The doctors found a mass in my chest due to Lymphoma . I started aggressive chemo for months.On October 2022 they declared me cancer free . I was so happy to start working and make plans for my future . I loved going to work and meeting new people . But On July 10 2023 I went for an MRI because I was experiencing bad headaches . To my surprise my Lymphoma is back and now as a tumor in my head. I had to take FMLA from work and am now  on aggressive chemo half the month each month until further notice. Soon I’ll be getting a stem cell transplant as well. I alittle scared but I know God is Real . My remission was short lived but I know it’s possible . Our family is struggling right now and would appreciate anything at all prayers , donations . Anything at all 🙏

Family Updates

Dashawn's Journey

Hey guys ! God Bless you all. So my transplant is postponed. My tumor hasn’t shrunken like they expected. I’m on a new regimen that makes me sicker. They referred me to Moffit . They say they have better doctors and specialists to help me there. I pray they do ! I am so ready to be back to normal. A couple more chemos of this new medicine and then they will do an MRI . I pray the tumor has shrunk by then. Pray for me ! Thank you for your help and support.


Today concludes cycle 2 in my regimen 2 cycles of chemo =1 . So I’ve actually had four. It went smooth this go around . For that I’m so thankful. There are times I’m sick ,nauseous , and drained . Really all I’m experiencing is what my cousin calls …. The Chemo Swell . Sounds like a latest dance trend or something. It’s when you swell from steroids and retaining water from all the fluids they are giving me to wash  these  toxins out of my body. Days like this don’t come often so I’m appreciative for them . I’ll be back in a week for my next cycle and soon a stem cell transplant. Until then guys … God Bless !!!!

Dashawn’s journey

After being in remission since October the Lymphoma is back . This time instead of in my chest . There is a tumor in my brain. This explains all my headaches and why I was so sensitive to light. I’m disappointed, upset , angry but I trust in the Lord. I ask that he gives my family and I strength to go through this. On this day they performed a biopsy to make sure it was the Lymphoma before starting me back up on chemo. 

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