The Stolp Family
$200.00 raised of $3,134.26
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The Stolp Family

Jonah Stolp
Oakdale, MN
Premature Birth

Our Story

Our sweet boy Jonah was born 5 weeks early. He sustained a traumatic entrance into this world and required vacuum assist to be born via c-section. Jonah was immediately admitted to the NICU. He was treated for low blood sugars and inability to effectively eat enough on his own. 
He spent 12 days in the NICU, working hard on stabilizing his medical condition and gaining enough stamina to breastfeed enough calories. His mother stayed at the NICU nearly 24/7 to establish strong breastfeeding while his dad stayed at home to care for his 22 month old brother. 
During this time, both parents have had a significant reduction in income and inability to work. The family also is experiencing significantly increased expenses and bills related to Jonah’s unexpected NICU stay. Any assistance would be so appreciated. Thank you for your consideration. 

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