
Read to learn why Spare Key made our pivotal shift to Help Me Bounce
Author: Sarah Rocklitz
Published On: October 14, 2022
Spare Key made a pivotal decision back in 2019 to embrace a new way of giving. One that puts donors in control. It was a decision that came from a lot of research, conversations, and forward thinking into how giving patterns were evolving and how we could use evolving technology to help more families. Read on to learn WHY Spare Key launched Help Me Bounce as not just a tool for families, but for donors as well.
Spare Key's Evolution into Help Me Bounce
Author: Sarah Rocklitz
Published On: August 9, 2022
Twenty five years of helping families facing a medical crisis. In those 25 years, Spare Key has grown, evolved, and updated our platform, but our core mission hasn’t changed. The mission of helping families. Whether that’s families with a sick or injured child in the hospital or our mission today of helping families facing a medical crisis no matter the age, income, or injury! We help families “Bounce and Not Break.”
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